As I was getting out some of our seasonal decorations, I decided I needed to add something to the family table. The table is very large, making it almost impossible to find a table cloth or runner to fit. Using some fabric I had on hand I added a small table runner to the center. This DIY Table Runner can be made with any fabrics, and also customized to fit the length that you would like. It is a simple 20 minute project that a beginner can complete.
DIY Table Runner
What you will need:
- Fabric for center
- contrasting fabric
- scissors
- ruffle foot (not mandatory)
- pins
To create:
1. Cut your center fabric to desired length, adding about half and inch all the way around. I cut mine 37″ x 11″ (finished, the center is 36″ x 10″)
2. Cut two lengths of contracting fabric 10″ longer than the center fabric and only 5″ wide. For 37″ of length my pieces were 47″ long x 5″ wide
3. Turn contrasting pieces inside out and sew closed the edge using a ruffle foot. (I use a ruffle foot because it saves time when gathering material, you can also gather the material any way you choose).
4. You will now have a tube of fabric with one side gathered. Turn the tube inside out and iron flat
5. Pin edges together on right side of center fabric. Sew.
6. Repeat with second side.
7. Open the ruffle on both sides and iron flat.
8. Fold under both short sides to make a 1/4″ hem. Sew to complete.