I know a “Time Out” is all the rage and the preferred discipline method of most pediatrictians and child psychologists but I think that both parents and doctors alike need to recognize that Time Out’s do not work for all children. Some kids, and I learned this early on, are just a little more Strong Willed than the others. These children would be mine. Putting them in a Time Out just adds fuel to the fire, you can actually SEE the deviance in their eyes as they sit there, plotting. Like they’re just sitting there thinking “ya okay, mom, I’ll sit here, but just you wait….as soon as I get up it’s ON!”
Example 1: Pixi in a Time Out (this was the second for the same infraction which is why I thought to grab the camera…I knew what was coming).
And this is what happened 30 seconds after leaving that Time Out and oh so heart felt conversation…
You see the time out had absolutely no effect on her. And now Bubba was joining in, so they both got a time out. And Repeat 5 times…..
My solution for this? You’re done….bed time. Or in other instances…you’re not going to stop? I’ll take it away.
Yes, with most things I can be more stubborn than my children. But I am not going to continue to do a Time Out over and over and over again until I’m frustrated and have wasted an hour….it’s Ridiculous!
Jennifer says
wundermom says
thesupermomblues says
Rebecca Rider says
wundermom says