It’s here, it’s here! Hundreds of obnoxious photos and ideas of how your elf on the shelf can get into mischief around the house this Christmas season. Well, I have news for you all. If you have a mischievous Elf on the Shelf-You’re Doing it Wrong!
I may have misled you, and I apologize. We love Elf on the Shelf. This will be our seventh year having him join our family for the month of December. The kids look forward to his visit every year when he arrives the day after Thanksgiving. You see, we bought him way back before they were popular. My daughter was a year old a the time, I was pregnant with my second child and my mom found this cute little elf and story book in the SkyMall catalogue. Yes, you read that right. He was not purchased in a toy store, or at target, he was ordered through a catalogue. You see, we had remembered these cute little elf decorations that used to be around many years ago and thought this would be such a fun tradition for the kids and so our Elf came to be.
He has sat on a shelf, on the tree, and on the mantle. He has hung from the mistletoe or hung upside down from the chandelier. He has been moved and forgotten, touched and fallen, but there is one thing our Elf absolutely will not do–get into mischief!! You will NOT find him having a snowball fight, or drawing mustaches on pictures. You will NOT find him zip-lining through the kitchen or duct taped to the wall by little green mini Marines. You will NOT find him sneaking treats out of the pantry and you will DEFINITELY NOT find him swapping out the Christmas stocking for underpants or pooping Hershey’s kisses!
Why? Well it’s simple, in our house this is all naughty behavior. The kind of behavior Santa {and parents!} does not like. The kind of behavior that Elf himself is here to check up on. You see, the whole idea of the Elf on the Shelf is to watch over the kids and report back to Santa each night on how they’re behaving. So tell me, why on earth is it a good idea for him to be making trouble? I understand that you want to be cute and fun and oh you know, pinterest tells you to, but resist the urge to have a naughty elf visit your home in the wee hours of the night.
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