Just two days after going back to school (she was completely healthy all THREE weeks of her Christmas vacation) Wundergirl came home complaining of a headache, she was exhausted, and she has a fever.
So here we are, at home, missing school and other various activities.
I don’t do Flu shots. I know, some of you may think I’m crazy, but in my opinion the risks outweigh the rewards here. So instead, we are trying a Natural approach to getting well.
Aside from loading up on fluids and vitamins and hanging out at home resting we are giving a few others a try.
Like this…
Now, I have no idea if it works or not but since we caught her symptoms at the earliest onset I figured we’d give it a try. People I know that have used the product, swear by it.
There is also this recipe that my mom and a friend both sent over:
I’m making this for all of us to drink. We are so close to WunderDad’s return that I just cannot afford to have a house full of germs!
So….here we go! Hopefully, at the very least, her fever will be gone after only a couple of days and no one else in the house will get it.
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