Our dishwasher is a year and a half old, and recently it has fallen victim to some nasty build up. The inside was covered in a white film, left behind from detergents and even with a rinse aid, our dishes were being effected. Something had to be done! We needed to clean the dishwasher and get rid of that build up.
Many of you know, I’ve been using essential oils and loving them. Well, I decided to put their cleaning abilities to the test and used them in a solution to clean the dishwasher. I know, you’re probably thinking there is tons of scrubbing involved but this method is so easy you’ll be cleaning the dishwasher once a week! No scrubbing OR harsh chemicals needed – just two natural ingredients and this is what it will look like!
Awesome, right?! The picture on the left shows the inside before – covered in the white film I was talking about. The picture on the right, is my shiny clean dishwasher that is no longer leaving spots and film on my dishes! I knew this method would work to some extent but I was completely shocked with the final results and just how easy it was to clean. I was even able to wipe the racks clean!
So, how did I do it? EASY! Here’s what you need to do:
How to Clean the Dishwasher
1. Place a dishwasher safe dish on the top rack of empty dishwasher.
2. Add 1 cup white vinegar + 5 drops Citrus Fresh essential oil to the dish
3. Run dishwasher (without adding detergent) on the hottest cycle**
4. Wipe out with a cloth
**Make sure you do not allow the “dry” cycle to finish. You want the inside of the dishwasher to still be wet when you wipe it out so that the film doesn’t dry back on.
Super easy! Ok, now you all go try this and tell me how it turns out!
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