My daughter came home with a note a couple weeks ago saying that they were having a Valentine’s Day party in her Kindergarten class and that she needed to bring 31 Valentine’s for her class mates. My son’s preschool is also having a “friendship” party to celebrate and he needs 20 Valentines. The catch? The teachers requested that there be no candy in them. NO Problem! I’ve got this!
I’ve always preferred making Valentines to buying them and this year we get to be extra creative. Here are 10 Candy-free adorable Valentines for the kids to give to their friends. Some we came up with, and others were found on various blogs.
Peyton chose pencils and erasers for her classmates and we made these:
You’re Just “Write” for me!
I printed out the message on cardstock and used a cookie cutter to trace the heart around it. We cut out the hearts and used a hole-punch to make the holes for the pencils to slide it. Really easy!
Preston, the Cars fanatic, will be handing out these to his preschool friends:
You make my Heart race!
For these we used plain white cardstock cut into small squares and I drew the road with markers. Preston place the heart stickers on them so he could be a part in ‘making’ them.
And I made these little apple packs to send to school with the P’s for their snack:
You are the Apple of my eye!
Here are some other super cute Valentine gifts that I found:
“Doh” you want to be my Valentine? From The Wilson World
Happy Valentine’s Day Love Bug! From Dandee Designs
Our class would “knot” be the same without you! Also from Dandee Designs
You make my heart Glow! From The Teacher Wife
You make my heart bounce! From The Crafting Chicks
I’m Wild about you! From Disney’s Family Fun
Will you O’fish’ally be my Valentine? From Tammy Mitchell Photography