Last weekend we went out school shopping. Gigi sent each of the kids a giftcard, so I thought it would be really fun to take them individually and let them pick out their own clothes. We did just that, and this is what I learned in the process….
1. No matter how cute the 2 yr old is when she says “I go shopping too mama?” do NOT give in and bring her along! It will be like bringing along your own tornado. A tornado with mass casualties…of shoes. I apologize to the team at Kohls that had to clean up the mess in the shoe department. I was lucky to make it out alive.
2. Shopping with a Man, at any age, is still shopping with a MAN! Wunderboy walked into Old Navy picked out ONE shirt and then was off distracted by the vending machine of bouncy balls, asked several times “are we done yet?” and then found the only video game in the store and begged for it. *Side note: I did talk him into at least trying on his jeans in the dressing room and he did not get the video game even though he threw an epic tantrum to try and convince me.
3. Based on the clothing that Wundergirl picked out, I should have saved all of my 7 yr old clothes from 1989. No seriously, I’m pretty sure I had identical outfits to those she chose at Justice….all the way down to the oversized lace bow.
4. When clothes shopping with a 7 yr old girl, be prepared for her to transform into a 17 yr old right before your eyes. Actual quotes from Wundergirl in the dressing room: “um, no, this shirt totally does not go with my blonde hair” and “but I NEEEEED these boots!” Ya.
5. Shop Online. Period. If you are planning on taking your kids out school shopping, DON’T. Learn from my mistakes and save yourself, shop online. But if you do, make sure you have a driver and bring wine. You’re going to need it.
***After 5 hours of shopping, 3 stores, and meltdowns by all three kids, I am happy to report that we all survived and the Wunderkids will be fully clothed on the first day of school.