Star Wars fan? You’ll love these Star Wars crafts & activities to celebrate May the 4th (be with you)
Do you celebrate May the 4th with your Star Wars loving kids? I’ve seen activities pop up all around town as each year this “holiday” gains more and more momentum!
My son is a huge Star Wars fan although, I must confess, I know very little of the movies – that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun putting together awesome Star Wars crafts or participating in May the 4th activities to celebrate all things Jedi!
(And if you’re like me and didn’t know what the heck a Jedi was until your little boy decided to have a love for Start Wars then just take a peek at this Star Wars dictionary for those of us that need a little help in the field)
For those of you that do know the difference between a Jedi and a Stormtrooper – take a look at these TOP Star Wars Crafts and Activities that kids of all ages will love!
Star Wars Crafts and Activities
Star Wars Crafts
Star Wars paper lantern | R2D2 Pencil Holder | Princess Leia Headband | Star Wars Flower Pots | Paint Stick Chewbaca | Darth Vader Bookmark Corners | Light Up Jawa Doll | DIY Ewok Plush | Star Wars Finger Puppets | Printable Star Wars Gift Boxes | DIY Light-up Light Saber | Light Saber Pencils | Star Wars LEGO Mosaics | Chewbaca Paper Portrait
Star Wars Costumes
Printable Star Wars Masks | Milk Carton Stormtrooper Mask | Paper Yoda Ears | X-wing Flight Suit Printable | BB-8 from a Sock | No-Sew Jedi Tunics | Cardboard BB-8 | Rey Hair Tutorial | No-Sew Star Wars Character Tunics | X-Wing Fighter Helmet
Star Wars Activities
Star Wars Bingo | Star Wars Mad libs | Light Saber Sensory Bottles | Death Star Pinata | Printable Star Wars Puppets | Star Wars Origami | Star Wars Coloring Sheets | Light Saber Tag | Star Wars Nerf Games | Star Wars Shadow Puppets | Erupting Death Star Science | Star Wars Galaxy Oblek | Star Wars Party Games | Star Wars Learning Activities
Star Wars Inspired Foods
Jar Jar Links in a blanket | Marshmallow Stormtroopers | Death Star Pizza | BB-8 Muddy Buddies | Wookie Cookies | Inter-Galactic Chocolate Bark | Light Saber Pretzels | Oreo ball Tie Fighters | Princess Leia Cupcakes | Death Star Cheese Ball | Sarlacc Bundt Cake | Star Wars Popcorn
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