My dad came to visit this past weekend and take the kids to a baseball game. Since the Wunderkids LOVE baseball they had a blast enjoying the game with their Papa (especially since they were spoiled rotten throughout the experience)!
One of my favorite things about Petco Park is the “Park in the Park”. Just behind the bleachers in Right field is a smaller baseball field where the kids can go play some ball. As you can see, Wunderboy takes even a game of Whiffle Ball very seriously!
It was the perfect night for a Ball Game!
Our rowdy bunch!
Cotton Candy is a Baseball Game tradition for us! (It was also Fan Appreciation weekend and they handed out these great Tshirts to everyone coming in the gates!)
This little thing stuffed herself with Soft Pretzel, Hot Dog, French Fries, and Lemonade before moving on to the Cotton Candy!
My silly big kids posing for a Picture post-game. Peyton wearing her new Padres sweatshirt tha Papa bought her.
Baseball games are one of my favorite things to do as a family, we are looking forward to next season!
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