It is a well known fact that when your husband is gone for a long period of time, everything possible that CAN go wrong WILL go wrong. I learned that the hard way one month into our last deployement. But, alas, we all survive and are most likely better for it. Well as we are now working our way through month two of this deployment I am being reminded of this fateful rule, yet again. I was just thinking that we had the hang of it, everything is going smoothly and BAM! Don’t you know it, fit starts hitting the shan.
Even with the little things, though, I’ve really been trying to have a good outlook on it all. Shrugging off the little bumps and laughing my way through. Well, in the last 10 days the little things have been piling up and today I had finally reached my max.
So, let’s recap. I believe it started with the smoke detector going off at 1am, a little over a week ago, which resulted in me having to get the ladder from the garage, drag it upstairs and change the battery of the alarm which was stuck to my 12 foot ceiling. Moving on… we had a mouse, in the garage. No biggy. Caught him, tossed him in the trash. (okay, maybe a little biggy…I might have squeeled a few times trying to get the trap into the trash bag). Then we had the toilet overflow in the kids bathroom clear out onto the carpeted area, that was fun and all but still didn’t break me. Add to that my HOA up my @$$ because my grass died while I was out of town for several weeks (oops forgot to set the sprinklers to go on auto), so I spent the weekend doing yardwork and re-seeding my lawn. Hmmm lets see, what else? Oh yes, there was a small ant invasion and then the baby ended up with a fever over the weekend. I thought this was the end to my drama but nope….it keeps going.
Last night I walked into my son’s room to tuck him in and the floor next to the wall that backs up to the bathtub is sopping wet. So this morning I check the ceiling in the garage and sure enough you can see a leak. So I give my landlord a ring and he comes out to look at it. After poking around for a while he decides that there is no leak and my son was dumping cups of water on his floor (now I think this is far fetched but it is bubba so I guess you never know). We asked him about it, in a bunch of random stories he claims he had nothing to do with it, then the landlord suggests that he used the hair washing cup in the bathroom and gets him to admit to it! Great! Well Wunderboy now is back to his original story of he didn’t do it, all though it was a very round about story complete with afraid of being tricked, teasing the landlord and something about the grass that I had to reseed. I have a plumber coming out tomorrow to give me the real lowdown.
Now, as irked as I am at this point, and thoroughly exhausted, I am STILL holding it together. That is UNTILL….we get in the car to go pick up Wundergirl from school, I back out of the driveway, and Wunderboy vomits ALL. OVER. THE. CAR! Quick thinking, I call the mom of a school friend and ask her to pick up Wudnergirl for me so I can clean out the car. I get everything settled, changed, cleaned and we head out to pick up Wundergirl. She hops in the car and we are on our way to cheer practice where I plan on dropping her off. Since she isn’t sick I see no reason why she should miss practice, I figured I’d just keep the other two in the car with me. But, of course, that wasn’t the end either….we pull into the parking lot where pracitce is held and guess who regurgitates her lunch all over the second seat in the van?!
Yes, folks, this is what finally broke me. Within a half hour of eachother, two of my children wreched all over the car. I cried and I cried hard, all the way home. But, after all of that, I know … “this too shall pass”. (I hope!)