I love coffee. All Coffee. Latte’s, Regular Joe, and Yummy Iced treats. One of my favorites is Vanilla Iced Coffee and when I can’t get to a coffee shop and I really want one, I just make it at home! I make a pitcher of it and keep it in my fridge so that whenever I felt like an afternoon tasty treat, there’s one waiting for me 🙂
Vanilla Simple Syrup:
- 1 cups water
- 1 cup sugar
- 3 tsp. Vanilla Extract
Combine ingredients in a small saucepan. Stir constantly until boiling. Boil a few minutes, coninuing to stir, until the liquid becomes thickened. Set aside.
I made a 6 cup pot of coffee~double strength (so if you normally use one tbsp per cup, use two), and poured it into a large pitcher. Immediately add the Vanilla Syrup to the coffee, stirring slightly to mix. Next add in equal parts cold water to the coffee.
Serve over ice, adding milk or cream if you’d like.