I am so happy to start menu planning again. We have been planning and executing a cross country move for what seems like months and that meant not a lot of opportunities to cook real meals.
Now we are settled into our new home, the kids are starting school back up after an amazingly adventurous summer, and the fall sports are in full swing. We are settling in well and that means that I have time to actually sit down and decide on a menu plan for the week.
I haven’t posted our weekly menu plan here for you all in quite some time but after asking the opinion of our facebook community I decided to start posting them again. I know the weeks can be hectic and I want to help you all out anyway I can. I will be posting the meal plan for the week every Sunday.
We do not eat fancy, we eat real. Because of our kids’ after school schedules I use a crock pot often. We also eat a lot of casseroles and pasta dishes because they will feed a large family without having to make a huge meal – and if you have a smaller family, you can easily save half for leftovers or lunch the following day.
We try to do family dinner most nights but it is hit or miss with the after school sports schedules so we reserve our Sunday evenings for that. Since Sundays our the family day I often have a larger meal planned and we all feast together and talk about our week past and our week ahead. Family dinner time is so very important to me so even as the kids grow we will always gather together on Sunday evenings.
(PS I usually make my menu from Pinterest finds – I keep a board just for Family Dinner Ideas)
Our Weekly Menu Plan: Week 5 is as follows:
Pesto Pasta With Chicken Sausage and Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Hope you all have a great week! And Happy 1st Day of School to all of those going back this week!
My Favorite Crock Pot: