I am so excited to introduce you all to a friend of mine and infant sleep coach; Jamie as our guest post for today! She is a baby sleep expert and can help coach you to get your little one sleeping blissfully! Today she is sharing 3 common myths of infant sleep and why you shouldn’t believe them.
The dreaded question asked by well meaning people. “Is your baby sleeping through the night yet?” You may politely say “not yet” in your most upbeat voice trying to pretend like it’s no big deal. THEN you get the words of encouragement… “This too shall pass,” “they are only little for such a short time,” “they just need a little more love from momma is all.” But deep down you may want to punch them in face, curse obscenities from the top of your lungs and then book a one-way flight to a tropical paradise to sleep the days away. I can tell you, you aren’t alone!
Infant/Toddler sleep is such a hot topic. Lots and lots of different advise, methods, what to do/ what not to do out there. Put being sleep deprived on top of that and it’s hard and almost impossible to know where to begin. Here are my top 3 myths about infant sleep…
3 Myths of Infant Sleep
“My baby didn’t nap all day. They have got to be so tired and should sleep all night.”
FALSE! Nighttime sleep is very much dependent on what happens during the day. When working with a client I evaluate what happens in a 24- hour period with their baby. What you do during the day is going to directly affect how well they sleep at night. The better they sleep during the day, the better/longer they sleep at night. An overtired baby is a recipe for disaster. Naps are so important and a crucial part in overall healthy sleep patterns for your baby. Gets those naps in!
“Breastfed babies can’t sleep as long as formula fed babies.”
I hear a lot of moms say, “well my baby is breastfed and can’t go as long as babies who are fed formula.”
FALSE! Breastfed or Formula fed? It’s up to you and what works best for your family and lifestyle. But, breastfed babies are 100% capable of sleeping just as long as formula fed ones. Formula fed babies are fed more efficiently then breastfed babies and that is why they tend to sleep longer. If you are nursing make sure your baby is getting a FULL feeding each time. NO SNACK FEEDING. Completely empty one breast before switching to the next. You want to make sure your baby is getting the rich, fatty hind milk which will keep them fuller, longer. And nursing mommas drink lots of water!
“I’ve tried to sleep train my baby but they just can’t do it!”
FALSE! All healthy babies can be taught to sleep. Did you catch what I said there? Taught to sleep! Little do people know babies need to be taught this very important skill. My philosophy is to sleep teach so you never have to sleep train. If taught properly from an early age you child will develop a natural, healthy sleep pattern. By 4 months your baby is capable of sleeping 10-12 hours straight at night. This means eliminating sleep crutches and bad habits. There are many amazing sleep tools on the market today; swings, bouncers, strollers, car rides, baby carriers, rock-n-plays, swaddles, pacifiers and many more. The key is to use to these as “teaching tools” but eliminate them so they don’t become a sleep crutch. Past 4 months? All is not lost. Your infant and even toddler can still be taught to develop healthy sleep habits. A lot of times the only thing keeping your baby from sleeping is you! We enable by holding on to these sleep crutches and bad habits and we are filled with doubt and fear that our little loves can’t sleep without them. I am here to tell you that they can and they will! We need to believe in them and teach them the way!
Simply Sleep, for restful nights and happy homes! I love to restore balance and peace back into the home. I am an infant and toddler sleep coach and I am here to help sleep deprived parents through this sleep journey. I find most parents just need a reassuring voice and a little guidance to get back on the right track. In need of sleep coaching? Send me an email to set up a free phone consultation and we can discuss your needs and goals and the unique service I provide to get you there.
About Jamie and the Simply Sleep techniques:
My name is Jamie Savarese. I am a military wife, stay at home mom, and LOVER of sleep. I have a degree in Elementary Education from Arizona State University. I have taken countless hours of child development courses and was a professional nanny in New York City. When I became pregnant with my first child I, like most new moms, was nervous about the lack of sleep I was about to encounter. Nervous is putting it nicely, more like terrified! I loved my sleep and needed my sleep. I am not one who “functions” well with little sleep. So in my panic I read any and all books having to do with sleep. And much to my dismay there were a lot of contradicting ideas out there, LOTS! So I began picking and choosing what felt right to me. I had a “plan” to get my baby to sleep. Baby comes and I begin to implement my findings. With a little tweaking here and there I had her sleeping through the night (8 hours) by 12 weeks. Now at 6 years old, she is an amazing sleeper. Baby #2 comes around. I was nervous, again, to have a toddler and newborn and no sleep. So began my quest for even better ways to get my baby to sleep. More books, more research, sleep expert videos, you name it I watched it or read it! And baby #2 I had sleeping through the night (8 hours) by 10 weeks. Now 4, he is also a wonderful sleeper. My littlest love, born November 26, 2015, was sleeping 10 hours by 2 months and 12 hours by 4 months. All my babies were exclusively breastfed and I never did “cry it out” with them. I let them led and I listen to their needs. I am their guide and teacher. I am here to ensure that they are developing healthy and natural sleep patterns. There is no “magic fix” and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Having a 2-month-old sleep 10 hours is completely worth it! Life changing really!
I have been sleep coaching for almost 3 years now and passion for “baby sleeping.” I think sleep is THE most important thing we can teach our kids at this young age. I use the word “teach” here because they need to be taught this very important skill. Getting babies to sleep is more of a science then an art form or luck as some people would say. If taught properly, from day one, you will never have to “sleep train” your child. My philosophy is to “sleep teach” so you will never have to “sleep train.” Every child has the ability to be a great sleeper; you just need the proper to tools to teach them.
Simply Sleep, for restful nights and happy homes.
If you have questions or are interested in Simply Sleep’s services please reach out to Jamie by email: Jamiesavarese16@gmail.com and for additional updates you can follow the Simply Sleep Facebook Page.
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