I am rounding the corner into the 3rd trimester of my FOURTH Pregnancy, GASP! Yes, you read that right, in just a few short months we will be welcoming our fourth child into our home. I know in a society where it is only typically acceptable to have two children, it might seem like we are out of our minds but I am going to tell you we are not! In fact, Im going to give you all a few reasons why we are NOT CRAZY for having 4 kids.
You see when we started announcing this pregnancy I got a multitude of comments and questions, but one of them really stuck: the shocked and sometimes terrorized looks on some faces followed by a comment like “you’re nuts!” or “that’s crazy!”. And really, it’s not. So I must share with you all why.
4 Reasons We are NOT CRAZY for having 4 Kids
Love and Commitment
My husband and I are both committed to each other and to our children. We provide them with the security of a happy nuclear family. We love each other, we trust each other, and we are committed to each other. Our children are growing up in a home where both mother and father are present and an active part in their lives. Seriously, with a full blown teen mother epidemic in the US, and divorce rates at an all time high, how many children can actually say that?
Financial Means
We aren’t by a long shot a “wealthy family”, in fact, I would place us smack dab in the middle of the middle class. We may not have a ton of money or an expendable income but we have plenty to provide for our children…all FOUR of them. Do we take lavish vacations, drive expensive cars, or buy our children all the latest and greatest that technology as to offer? NO. But we provide a loving home, plenty of food, clothing, and entertainment. Our children do not want for anything. They are all Happy and Healthy.
Lifelong Friendships and Support
As an adult, my best friends in the world are my mother and two sisters. Sure, we fight, but boy do we have each others backs when it counts. I would be lost without them. A large family with multiple siblings provides lifelong friendships and support for the children. They will always have each other, a unique set of individuals with many different talents and opinions with one thing bonding them together; blood. They will grow up, together. Learn valuable lessons, together. Go through moves and family deaths, together. And all the while have each other there for friendship and support.
Because We Can
I think most people think four kids is completely nuts because they feel overwhelmed with just the two that they have. Well, we can have four children instead of two because we can. It really isn’t all that different. We are still feeding, clothing, and teaching our children – there are just a few more of them. But each day I wake up, just like you all do, I am a mother. I care for my children any way that I know how. Sometimes its hard. Sometimes I’m tired. And sometimes I make mistakes. But I do it because I can. We, as parents, don’t give ourselves enough credit. We can do anything we set our minds to and when there is no other option but to continue on it’s not like we are just going to give up, right? That won’t change whether you have 1 child or if you have 10. We continue on, because we can.
What I am getting at is that NO, it is not crazy for us to have four kids, just like it’s not crazy for you to have only one or for your neighbor to have six children. What is right for my family may not be right for yours but just because it’s different, doesn’t make it an insane idea.
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