I just looked at the calendar and OH. MY. GOSH. Summer vacation starts in 3 weeks!!! I cannot believe how quickly this year flew by! This year will be a very special summer for us, we will NOT be saying goodbye to WunderDad and WunderBoy graduates from Pre-K to head off to Kindergarten in the fall! We absolutely LOVE summer time and it is the perfect opportunity for lots of fun family Adventures. Last year we started a new family tradition with the Summer Bucket List. We had so much fun we are definitely doing it again this year.
To make it officially a ‘Bucket’ list I found this cute little bucket in the Target Dollar section (if you haven’t figured out by now, I love me some Target and I love me some dollar deals!). We wrote each item from our list on wooden craft sticks with colored markers. I like this idea because it makes it easy to add more to our list later.
So….what are planning this summer? Here’s our list of 50+ fun summer activities!
- Go to Seaworld
- Play in a splashpad
- Have a picnic
- Fly a kite
- Go swimming
- Go to the beach
- Camping
- Roast Marshmallows
- Have a play date
- Go to the fair
- Take a Road Trip
- Join a summer reading program
- Read 100 books
- Build a sandcastle
- Go to a Baseball game
- Play with flashlights outside (flashlight tag)
- Have a waterballoon fight
- Visit the tidepools
- Family bike ride
- Try a new park
- Go to the library
- Visit a museum
- Look at the boats
- Visit Coronado Island
- Watch fireworks
- Eat a snowcone
- Ride scooters
- Go to the movies
- Have a BBQ
- Go on a Nature Walk
- Watch the sunset on the beach
- Go to a waterpark
- Play putt putt golf
- Collect Seashells
- Bird Watching
- Feed the Ducks
- Make S’mores
- Go on a treasure hunt
- Go for a hike
- Have a dance party
- Make ice cream
- Take a boat ride
- Go for a train ride
- Make lemonade
- Climb on rocks
- Climb trees
- Check out some airplanes
- Have a bubble party
- Go to a Farmers Market
- Family Game Night
- Visit a Historical Site
- Visit a Farm
- Dig in the dirt/Make mud pies
- Backyard Fireworks/Sparklers
I’d love to hear what you have planned!